To Dream
Dream /drēm/ A Verb: 1. to think about something that you wish would happen or something that you want to do or be. 2. a cherished aspiration, ambition, or ideal.
What dreams have you cherished in your heart? Do you want your children to grow up emotionally healthy—free of abuse or neglect? Do you want to see loved ones come to faith in Jesus Christ?
dream: /drēm/
A Verb: 1. to think about something that you wish would happen or something that you want to do or be. 2. a cherished aspiration, ambition, or ideal.
Sometimes we give up on a dream because the unexpected happens and completely unravels any hope of our dream coming true. Our clients have dreams, too. She wants her baby to have a father. She dreams of getting married one day. She wants to be free from drug addiction. He wants to get a good job and be a better dad than his dad was. But then, life happens and the consequences of bad choices stand in the way of their dreams.
When we lose sight of our dream—God-given or otherwise—we trudge on ahead but the graveyard of that dream haunts us. In unguarded moments, we grieve the death of our dream and wonder if it could perhaps yet be possible.
There is every reason to hope. God is in the resurrection business. “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit.” John 12:24.
God is sovereign. He allows dreams to die because He intends to bring them back better than ever, bearing much fruit in glory to His name. That’s what you and I do here at Crossroads. We help these women and men see the way to resurrect their dead dreams in order to live an abundant life through Jesus Christ.
Thank you for your help in fulfilling this Holy mission,
Cindy Mansberger,
Executive Director