


Crossroads opened its doors to the community on March 19, 1985 and now spans four counties; Mifflin, Juniata, Blair, and Huntingdon. Our Staff and Volunteers have come from all walks of life, some having dealt with the consequences of a tough pregnancy decision. 

We believe that no woman should feel so unsupported that abortion seems to be her only choice. Life is sacred and we uphold the sanctity of life in our communities by sharing truth, unconditional love, and compassion for those facing pregnancy decisions, as well as helping those who choose life to find the assistance and referrals they need. 

Our board of directors consists of men and women committed to upholding the principle of the sanctity of human life. Crossroads is a non-profit, Christ-centered ministry, and we are followers of Jesus Christ. Crossroads is supported by individuals, churches, businesses within the community, and the Huntingdon and Mifflin-Juniata County United Way. Crossroads receives no state or federal funding.


Our Mission Statement:

Crossroads Pregnancy Center offers help, hope, and healing in Jesus’ name and upholds the sanctity of life by providing education, medical services, practical assistance, and ongoing support.

Our Vision Statement:

We aim to be a trusted, first option for those facing pregnancy decisions.



The local outreach to women facing crisis pregnancies was first conceived in the hearts of concerned women of the Beth-El Mennonite Church on October 23, 1983. The theme for that Sunday evening was “Bible Answers to Life’s Issues.” Topics discussed were the following: God holds human life sacred; massacre of the unborn; “mercy” killings of the aged or incompetent; and our responsibility of prolonging life and health. In light of the plight of the unborn, this group of women began asking themselves, “Isn’t there something we can do?”

History Timeline

God has been faithful through the generations and generations to come! To view our timeline, please click the button below.

A Story of Help, Hope, and Healing

Crossroads Pregnancy Center is committed to providing individuals with everything they need to make an informed choice. We believe women and men have a right to get accurate information from a resource that will not profit from the choices they make. All of our services are free and confidential. We do not provide or refer for abortions.

2023 Annual Report

Relationship Education About Choices and Health

Reaching Destinations is the abstinence education division of Crossroads Pregnancy Center, providing education in public schools and youth groups in the community. www.reachingdestinations.org