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Neither R U!

As I read the news about the latest attack on the pregnancy center in Minneapolis, I thought to myself, “Not again!” This is the latest of over a hundred such attacks on pregnancy centers, pro-life groups, and churches since the Dobbs decision last June. But then my thoughts went in another direction.

“If abortions arn’t (sic) safe neither r u.”  This quote has been spray painted again and again by vandals who bow down to the altar of death. I’m starting to think their statement may be right. I know what happens every day in pregnancy centers. I’m part of that “dangerous” movement in America that deals in the practice of offering help, hope, and healing in Jesus’ name. And they are right. 

When women are empowered with truth, love, and support, the fear inside of them dies. When they are given true and honest choices, confusion and indecision are choked out. When she is offered a listening ear and encouraging words, anxiety bites the dust. When the enemy of her soul tells her, “You can’t do this.” Or “Your life is over if you have this baby”, those “dangerous” Christ following, pregnancy center workers have the audacity to love on her—telling her what we already know – that there is a way! There is support and there is hope and a future for her. We know it’s her choice to make so coercion is never our tactic. Instead, we supply her with education and information, the tools for good decision-making. And if we can’t kill the lies that deceive her, we are still “dangerous” to despair. We tell her that even if she chooses abortion, we will be here for her afterward. If she just needs someone to talk to because she feels sadness, regret, or other negative effects, we will meet her without judgment or condemnation. Why? Because she is truly loved by God – she is valuable – she deserves to be treated with dignity because her life is a sacred gift.

God didn’t call us to play it safe and conform to the ways of the world. He called us to be radically changed by His grace to go and make a difference in the world, one life at a time. This is why I believe that in a certain way, Jane’s Revenge is right – we aren’t “safe” either. We are not safe for the lies women are told about abortion. We are not safe for the burden of guilt that can be associated with abortion. We are not safe to the fear or panic that causes women to make wrong decisions.

All of Romans chapter 12 applies but two verses stand out: verse 2: “Do not conform to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing, and perfect will.” And verse 21: “Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.”

Thank you for your courageous support for life that stands against the flow of this world.

Cindy Mansberger