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Ministry Updates and Client Stories

What A Year It's Been! | From the Director

As 2022 began, we never imagined what God would do in the months to come. I’ve been with this amazing ministry a long time and I’ve rarely seen God work so quickly and definitively to get something done. When He says “Go.”, He has a plan and a purpose.

Not only were we able to open a new location in Altoona—which allows us to now serve out of five offices in four counties—the number of medical appointments has increased by 53% since this time last year even before opening the new location. Our SRA (Sexual Risk Avoidance) Program has added at least four additional schools.

All of this new growth requires more workers in the field so we hired a new Reaching Destinations Director (SRA), Deanne Wensel; a Director of Client Services, Tiffani Whitsel; a Client Services Manager for Altoona, Sharon Weyant; and a second nurse to assist our Nurse Manager with medical appointments, Christi Portzline B.S.N., R.N. 

This is significant work. It has a far-reaching impact. It does so much good on many levels. But WHY do we do all this? If we lose sight of our “why,” we risk allowing this deeply significant work to degenerate into just another nice social service—or worse, we may lose heart for the
mission altogether.  

Our WHY is about our great God and His love for His image-bearers—a love so great He paid the ultimate price to redeem us back to Himself. He sent His only Son, our Savior Jesus, to live as one of us, die on our behalf, and rise in victory over the grave. Now we have the extraordinary privilege of co-laboring with God in rescuing His image-bearers and sharing the love of Christ with them.

Above all else, this is our sustaining motive. I believe this is your motive, too. Thank you for sharing the same “WHY” that spreads His message of love in our corner of the world.

May your Thanksgiving and Christmas seasons be blessed!

In His Grace,

Cindy Mansberger,
Executive Director