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Sowing Seeds | Client Story

You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb. Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex. Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it.
You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion, as I was woven together in the dark of the womb. You saw me
before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed.
Psalm 139:13-16

These verses have always amazed me. The thought of God Himself watching you as you grow in your mother’s womb and making plans for your life as it happens is so amazing to me. It definitely is a thought that brings a “wow” to your lips. This verse has been something I have shared with clients over and over again. Some of them have never heard that the Lord cares for and loves them like that. They can’t imagine, in all the complexity of their lives and all the mess that accompanies their choices, that God has a plan for their life. The enemy has stolen their ability to see any value in themselves and they certainly are unaware of God caring anything about them. 

This all comes to mind when I think of a long-standing client that I have had in my office. Valerie became a mother at a very young age and she chose to parent even though it was a very hard choice for her. She has continued to come to our center since then and she is now pregnant again. Each week that she comes in, Valerie is heavy with the cares of her life. Frustration, tiredness, and worry plague her mind. 

I had the privilege of taking her through a very basic lesson plan that shared the gospel with her. Valerie never went to church and she has never heard or understood anything about Jesus. As we went through the lesson, she listened and allowed me to share the gospel with her. God’s Word talks about how some sow the seed, some water, and some harvest. I believe that I had the privilege of sowing seed in her life for the first time. She did not choose to accept the Lord as her Savior. Her statement was that she was an outcast in her family and if she became a Christian, she would really be an outcast. She chose to reject the Truth that would find her the love and approval that she has always been looking for. This is not the end of her story a loss for the kingdom though, it is a beginning. 

God promises that His Word never returns void. I am trusting and praying that this young client will someday realize that the love she is looking for is in Christ alone. I will continue meeting with her and showing her that love and acceptance when she is in the office. And I will allow the Holy Spirit to do the work that only He can do. His plans are wonderful, perfect, and life-giving and I know His plans for this young client are good. I will wait on Him and continue to pray for her and her family. 

  - Written by Bobbi, Client Services Manager

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