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Ministry Updates and Client Stories

It Takes Time: Client Story

Ally** called to schedule an ultrasound to confirm her pregnancy because she “just couldn’t have another kid.” During the intake, she shared the reasons that she was considering an abortion. Prior complications during her other pregnancies, relationship, and financial issues, and parenting her other children alone were speaking loudly to her.

It was obvious this decision was weighing on her, she was shaking like a leaf. I shared with her that her reasons for ending the life of her baby would not change the issues she was facing. In fact, it could complicate her life even more. We discussed her relationship with God and she said “It’s not good.”

Ultrasounds are a vital tool used to confirm pregnancy at Crossroads. With this technology, the patient is able to know the location, viability, and gestational age of her baby. We are hopeful that once she sees the baby and hears the heartbeat, it will be so impactful that she will make a decision for life before she leaves our clinic. Unfortunately, that is very often not the case, It Takes Time.

That day she was not far enough along to do an ultrasound, another appointment was scheduled for 2 weeks later.

We encouraged her to bring the father of the baby along. She left there with some truths to think about before she came back. At her next appointment, she came alone. Nothing had changed in her life; abortion was still on her mind.

After witnessing life on the screen, she was still undecided. I asked her to write down the pros and cons of abortion and life and encouraged her to share them with the father. Then ask themselves, “Can we live with that decision for the rest of our lives?”

A follow-up phone call was made to give her the physician’s report. Still she was undecided.

The next morning there was a voicemail message from Ally. She confidently shared that after writing down the pros and cons, they had decided to continue the pregnancy

It Takes Time!

**Name & details changed to protect confidentiality.
