Hello Partners for Life — Friends of Crossroads
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Ministry Updates and Client Stories

Hello Partners for Life

The label “Fake Clinics” has been used again and again in Pro-Choice circles, especially since the overturn of Roe. We firmly believe that misleading women into thinking we are an abortion clinic would be unethical. And to mislead them into thinking we were a legitimate licensed, medical clinic—if we weren’t—would be just as wrong.

In 2013, Crossroads entered a training called The Life Choice Project offered by NIFLA (National Institute of Family Life Advocates). Our staff attended the 2013 Institute in Limited Obstetrical Ultrasound. A local, licensed medical physician became our Medical Director to provide oversight and standing orders for our clinics. We acquired all State licenses and permits, added medical insurance coverage, and medical policies and procedures. Our nurses completed intense hands-on training to receive professional competency in limited ultrasounds. Donors gave all the financial support necessary to do all of this and to purchase new ultrasound machines. After a year of training and preparation, our clinic services officially began in August 2014. The first patient was an abortion-minded young woman.

Not only has this accreditation given us added protection against any potential liabilities, but it also has given us the best opportunity to protect women and children. There’s no longer the risk that sending her somewhere else for an ultrasound could result in a direct referral to an abortion clinic or to somewhere that doesn’t provide life-affirming counseling and information about Abortion Pill Reversal.

Our Medical Director can diagnose a positive pregnancy and can also alert a woman of an ectopic pregnancy, which is important. If a patient takes the abortion pill without knowing she has an ectopic pregnancy, her very life is threatened. A professional physician is also qualified to recognize other anomalies and give medical advice. Since Crossroads receives no financial gain, our patients can be assured that we care about her and her future, not any “bottom line”.

I hope that by explaining this to you, you can help debunk any myths about Crossroads being a “fake clinic”.

The National Right To Life just released information that in Pennsylvania there were more abortions last year than in the last 10, a rate of more than 95 per day. Along with 1,632 more abortions in 2022 than in 2021, there was also a rise in complications. More than ever, Crossroads is needed here in Central Pennsylvania, one of our nation's more hostile battlegrounds for life.

When I say thank you for standing with us with your support and prayers, you can be sure, we mean it from the depths of our hearts.

With a Grateful Heart,

Cindy Mansberger,
Executive Director
