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Ministry Updates and Client Stories

Gave All That He Had

This little boy was saving his money for Pokémon cards but when his mom told him about our Fall Fundraiser, he decided to give all that he had saved to the babies instead.

boy from mcconellstown.jpg

Only God knows what results our Fall Fundraiser will bring.

But we know that He provided us with creativity to pivot to a new format and to put together a video program that illustrated the heart and mission of Crossroads. We had many willing clients, who shared their personal experience with Crossroads. All the pieces came together smoothly and we also had many willing to be Vision Hosts, who invited guests to their churches or homes to watch together. Thank you if you had a part in our October 20th premiere.

We are writing this just hours after and we are trusting that in the coming days and weeks we will see the fruits of our labors and the blessings that God has prepared in advance because of the obedience of His people giving.

If you weren’t able to watch the event in October, you can still find it on our website or our YouTube channel.
