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Ministry Updates and Client Stories

Changing Hearts

I had a client come in for an ultrasound earlier this year for pregnancy confirmation. She wanted information on abortion and felt like, because of her circumstances, it was impossible to have another child—especially now. During the ultrasound, we discovered to our surprise a 24 week old baby. In the consultation afterwards, the client was still undecided about what she wanted to do. I shared vital information with her so she could make an informed decision while introducing hope into her difficult situation. She wept and shared her broken heart with me and left that day still undecided. How this grieved my heart! I thought of her often and prayed for her and that precious baby.

I didn’t hear anything from her after that day—until 4 months later! She called our office wanting to sign up for our Bridges program to earn things for her baby! She chose life!

As we spoke over the phone, she shared with me how he is growing every day. I could hear the love and excitement in her voice! Sometimes this job is so hard and I never know the outcome of a client’s pregnancy decision. But in this case, I was able to see the difference Crossroads made in this woman’s life and for that, I am eternally grateful! 

By Suzie Fox, Client Services Director
