Baby Bottle Boomerang

This year, Crossroads celebrates serving women, men, and children in our communities for 40 years. (That is an entire generation of families served!) We invite you to make a difference in our community through this easy way to save lives. Take a baby bottle (provided by us); fill it with change, cash, or checks; and return it on Collection Day.

Our goal this year is $103,000. Will you help us reach this year’s goal?

3 ways to participate:

  1. Pick up bottles before Mother’s Day. Take bottles* to church and let people take them home/work to fill with coins, bills, or checks. Collect them on Father’s Day and drop them off at your closest center. (Your church can take the money to their bank and issue CPC a check. Please return any empty bottles, which saves us from buying more next year. You may keep your empty bottles to use the following year.)

  2. Give online using the form below. (Giving form will be active starting on Mother’s Day.)

  3. And/or they can send a check designated as a “Baby Bottle Boomerang Donation” to our administrative office at 119 S. Division Street, Mount Union, PA 17066

Churches, who choose to participate, will be mailed a letter and a bulletin insert in April. Our donor website has information and file to download of bulletin inserts. There will also be an online donation form again this year. If your church is in Blair County, we have Changelopes instead of Baby Bottles if you desire them instead. Just ask.

*If you are in the Altoona area and would like to participate, we will provide you with a changelope! This is a cardstock envelope that folds into a change bank. It is designed to serve the same purpose as the bottles but has a different appearance so we don’t cause any confusion with similar pro-life fundraisers. Feel free to contact our office directly if you would like a changelope or if you’d like to pick up enough for your congregation.

CPC speakers are available to come speak anytime. Also, ask about showing our videos.

If you would like to participate, have questions, or want to be a BBB Liaison for your church, please contact Stephanie at or by calling 814-643-3570.